Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Impressions of a Realist

John Singer Sargent, a late 19th century realist painter, once upon a time switched over his approach to painting and had a short lived experience as a impressionist. Why? Well, perhaps a change was needed, or his new friend Monet was of great influence. Maybe the big scandal surrounding his "Madame X", made him grow more of an appreciation for impressionist works such as the scandalous "Olimpia" by Manet. Either way the works are intriguing nontheless for it just goes to show the many possible faces of an artist. "Sargent and Impressionism” continues through Dec. 18 at Adelson Galleries, and encourage all to go.

Madame X

At Calcot

"There’s something somnolent, even funereal, about this work — and about Sargent’s Impressionist pictures in general, for all their vivid colors and vigorous brushwork." 

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