Wednesday, October 13, 2010

And so it begins...

       It’s official. I have begun a blog of my own. I have often tossed around the idea of creating a personal page, however, always thought it unnecessary. But now, as I begin my career as an artist, it only seems like next best step.  Marilyn Minter once stated, as a true artist would, “I am not much, but I am all I can think about.” As a painter, and I’m sure any artist would agree, I spend a whole lot of time thinking about myself. It is not some reflection of a huge ego. However, it reflects a constant need for self growth. A blog only seems a natural progression from here. It’s a way to better filter my thoughts. Who are the artists I look at? What articles fascinate me?  What patterns are arising from these choices? Me. Me. Me. An artist’s goldmine. If you are an artist and are not questioning yourself, motives and creations, you should start. So here I am laying it all out on the line. Whether or not I develop followers is unimportant. What is important that I am continually searching, learning, and posting.

1 comment:

  1. I like your writing, Shannon. You seem to have this self-knowledge that you have no self-knowledge. I think that's so funny.
    Cap had a really cool quote in her piece that said, "I wish I could make some statement who's significance would cross all cultural borders. But I don't know what to say, so I'll just be myself." Perhaps art is simply a recording of the conscious mind in observation of the moment, as Cap suggests.
